Automobile Engineering basics and its corridor are explained
Machine engineering :
It is a branch study of engineering which teaches manufacturing, designing, mechanical mechanisms
as well operations of automobiles. It is an introduction to vehicle engineering which deals with motorcycles, cars, buses, trucks, etc.
It is science and technology that deals with self propelled vehicles
which run by internal combustion engine.
Car engine disassembled |
The major system of a automobile are:
- Steering system
- Brake system
- Suspension system
- Chassis
- Transmission system
- Traction system
Steering system:
Steering system is the place where the direction of self propelled
vehicle moves in the direction as directed by the driver.
The steering mechanism is connected to front end wheels of vehicle.
Brake system:
Brake system is the mechanism used in automobile vehicles to Stop the
vehicle from moving forward or backward by applying brakes.
The different types of brake are:
- Drum brakes
- Disc brakes
Drum brakes:
Drum brakes consists of brake shoes a drum to store oil when brake is
applied the break shoe gets extended and a frictional force acts on it to
stop the vehicle.
Disc brakes:
Disc brakes are of two types one is plane disc and other is disc with
vent holes to prevent slip from water during rainfall. Disc are connected
to caliper which holds and stop the vehicle from moving forward while
applying brakes.
Suspense system:
Suspense system is the medium that allow the comfort to the vehicle
while moving also corridor of vehicle on stumpy roads.
Lattice is the main frame structure of vehicle without body frame on
which the machine and necessary reinforcements are placed.
Transmission system:
Transmission system is the medium of transubstanting the mechanical
energy produced in internal combustion machine is change to moving stir of vehicle by connecting the if machine to clutch to gearbox to propeller
shaft to hinder or frontal end discrimational gearbox.
I suppose this will help you a lot about knowing the major factors of an machine engineering.
If you have any doubts or any topics that you want to know more about them please let me know