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vim basic commands


    vim is an powerful command line base editor. it supports many languages to be written in it. vim editor is pre-installed in kernel machine like ubuntu and kali Linux and mac also.

    The basic commands that a person working with vim must know are:

    to quit screen

    to save changes that you have made to the file.
    :w [file name]
    when you open a vim directly from command line without any file next to the command.
    vim [folder name/ file name]
    for the first time you open the vim editor in shell or terminal.


    after it press enter then you will enter the visual medium text editor

    Here you have type the codes of your program that will do some function as per the requirement. In above picture the code has to be in c language. to write the code in vim first you have to press " i" to enter insert mode, there you have type the code and press "ESC " key to go to normal mode.Then press " :w" to write the changes in code. and type another command ":q" or " :wq " to get out of the vim editor and go back to unix shell.

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