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     Python Programming Language is a powerful programming language used by most software employees and students to learn and work in a software company.

    Python was created by Guido van RossumPython laid its foundation in the late 1980 s. The implementation of Python was started in December 1989 by Guido Van Rossum at CWI in the Netherlands. In February 1991, Guido Van Rossum published the code (labeled version 0.9. 0) to alt.

    The Python Programming Language is simple to learn and write as we speak English.

    Example: print a message 'hello world' in python
    print("hello world") #in python 3 and above version.
    print 'hello world' #in python 2 versions.
    In the above syntax, print is a keyword used to print different data types.

    The statement that has to be printed has to be enclosed in a single lute or double quote. 

    "#" symbol is used to write comments in python, which are used for reference for which the line or following code has been written.

    Python language can be used in many fields such as gaming, machine learning, artificial intelligence, automation, testing, application development for desktops, robotics, web development, and many other things present in the software industry and information technology systems.

    Python is a scripting language, object-oriented programming language, functional language, procedural language.

    Python programming language is in demand for so many companies and jobs because it is simple to learn and has fewer lines of code doing a particular task than many other programming languages such as go, java, c, c++, ruby, and so many other languages.

    Python is an interpreted language which means the code will be executed line by line, if any line of code goes wrong it will show the error at that location only and once you resolve it ,the interpeter goes to next line and check the syntax throughout the program if everything goes fine the output will be gets generated as per the statement witten in the code.

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