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Insert Nomenclature - CNC

 Insert Nomenclature - Computerized Numerical Control


In CNC we are using different types of insert for cutting purpose.


The processes of arranging insert or tool paramter in proper order
Eg :

D N M G 15 06 08
1  2  3   4  5   6   7

D - Insert shape [ Diamond]
N - Insert angle [0 - 5]
M - Insert Tolerances [0.01 to .05]
G  - Type of geomentary
15 - Insert cutting edge length
06 - Insert Thickness
08 - Insert Nose Radius

Tool Holder Nomenclature:

Eg :
P C L N R 20 20 M 12
1  2  3   4  5   6   7 8  9

P   -  Insert Clamping method
C   -  Insert Shape
L   -  Holder Style
N  -  Insert Clearance
R   - Hand of Holder
20  - Holder Height
20  - Holder width
M  -  Holder length
12  -  Insert cutting edge length

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