Computer Numerical Control keys
Machine key: it indicates the key position of machine.
Program key: It shows previously programmed operation
Program manager key: it is used for creating new program and also all programs are stored.
Alarm: it indicates the alarm 🚨 key.
Input key: it is used for entering new blocks in programming.
CNC Control panel:
The main purpose of control panel is to control the cnc machine.
It is also known as operator panel.
Mode selector knob:
Memory mode(automatic mode): it is used for executing any program.
SBK[Single Block Mode]: the function of this key is to run the program block by block.
MDI[Manual Data Input]: In this mode we can run the machine manually such as spindle rotation,tool changing, manual lathe operations.
ZRN[Zero Return]: In this mode we can move the turret or tooo to its home position.
Feed Override Knob[Feed Operation]:
It control the movement of tool Range[0%-120%]
Spindle Override Knob:
It is used for controlling speed of the spindle. Range[50%-120%].
SPFOR[Spindle Forward/Clockwise]:
In this mode we can rotate the spindle in forward direction.
We can use this key or we can operate this in JOG mode only.
SPSTOP ]Spindle Stop]: It is used to stop the Spindle.
SPREV[Spindle Resverse]: It is used to run the spindle in counter clockwise or ant-clockwise direction.
SPORD[Spindle Orientation] key: It is used to lock the spindle.
Turret Station key: it indicates tool number.
MPG[ Manual Pulse Generator] Mode:
It is used to move the tool either in x or z axis by using JOG mode.
Execution keys:
CYST[Cycle Start]: it is used to run or start the cycle.
CYSP[ Cycle Stop]: it us used to stop the program or cycle.
RST[ Restart]: By using this key we can start the program repeatedly from the beginning.
Program protect key: it is used to protect the program.
Lubinch[ Lubrication Inching]: the purpose of this key is to check the lubrication pressure (15kgf/cm^2).
OSP[ Optional Stop]: This is used to stop the program optionally.
BDT[Block Delete Key]: it us also known as block skip key, used for skiping the unwanted blocks of code.
CLON[Coolant On] key: used to switch on the coolant manually.
CLOFF[Coolant Off] key: used to switch off the coolant manually.
Tailstock keys:
TSOUT[Tailstock Out]: In this we can move the tailstock quil outside.
TSIN[Tailstock In]: In this we can move tailstock inside.
TRST[Turret Station]: it is used to move the tools or turret manually for required tool.
Emergency Stop Button: the function of this key is to stop the machine in emergency condition.
If you have any doubts or any topics that you want to know more about them please let me know