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Computer numerical control - control keys

Computer Numerical Control keys

     Machine key: it indicates the key position of machine.

    Program key: It shows previously programmed operation

    Program manager key: it is used for creating new program and also all programs are stored.

    Alarm: it indicates the alarm 🚨 key.

    Input key: it is used for entering new blocks in programming.

    CNC Control panel:

    The main purpose of control panel is to control the cnc machine.

    It is also known as operator panel.

    Mode selector knob: 

      Memory mode(automatic mode): it is used for executing any program.

    SBK[Single Block Mode]: the function of this key is to run the program block by block.

    MDI[Manual Data Input]: In this mode we can run the machine manually such as spindle rotation,tool changing, manual lathe operations.

    ZRN[Zero Return]: In this mode we can move the turret or tooo to its home position.

    Feed Override Knob[Feed Operation]:

    It control the movement of tool Range[0%-120%]

    Spindle Override Knob:

    It is used for controlling speed of the spindle. Range[50%-120%].

    SPFOR[Spindle Forward/Clockwise]:

    In this mode we can rotate the spindle in forward direction.

    We can use this key or we can operate this in JOG mode only.

    SPSTOP ]Spindle Stop]: It is used to stop the Spindle.

    SPREV[Spindle Resverse]: It is used to run the spindle in counter clockwise or ant-clockwise direction.

    SPORD[Spindle Orientation] key: It is used to lock the spindle.

    Turret Station key: it indicates tool number.

    MPG[ Manual Pulse Generator] Mode:

    It is used to move the tool either in x or z axis by using JOG mode.

    Execution keys:

    CYST[Cycle Start]: it is used to run or start the cycle.

    CYSP[ Cycle Stop]: it us used to stop the program or cycle.

    RST[ Restart]: By using this key we can start the program repeatedly from the beginning.

    Program protect key: it is used to protect the program.

    Lubinch[ Lubrication Inching]: the purpose of this key is to check the lubrication pressure (15kgf/cm^2).

    OSP[ Optional Stop]: This is used to stop the program optionally.

    BDT[Block Delete Key]: it us also known as block skip key, used for skiping the unwanted blocks of code.

    CLON[Coolant On] key: used to switch on the coolant manually.

    CLOFF[Coolant Off] key: used to switch off the coolant manually.

    Tailstock keys:

    TSOUT[Tailstock Out]: In this we can move the tailstock quil outside.

    TSIN[Tailstock In]: In this we can move tailstock inside.

    TRST[Turret Station]: it is used to move the tools or turret manually for required tool.

    Emergency Stop Button: the function of this key is to stop the machine in emergency condition.

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